Wednesday, 15 December 2010

The smashing of Millbank.

Personally, I think the student protests have really shown the true colours of young people. Before you shout at my ignorance, some of my friends did attend the protest and were in fact peaceful - as they originally labelled how they would behave at the march. And people I don't know obviously were the same otherwise London would have been in tatters (trust me, us youngens are nutters). What I despise is people thinking they will gatecrash something that was supposed to make a clear statement to the Government. Did they really think wrecking a couple of buildings in London would make those MPs say, "Actually chaps, they do have a point!" Throwing a fire extinguisher off a building on the intention of injuring a policeman just shows how terribly immature some people can be!
I didn't know the police force were involved in proposing the plans?

And here we are, the fees have increased. As the Conservatives have the majority it was almost certain this was going to happen, and I know the controversial Nick Clegg just fuelled the anger between student groups. I also know the people who started the destructive behaviour could not have been students at all - just opportunist rogues finding an easy way to commit violence.

There isn't much to be learned from this situation, this blog. A few things though...
1) The government will never please the public what ever they do, and fascinatingly it is always the majority of the public who oppose.
2) The 'coalition' government does not exist.
3) Smashing offices and violent behaviour really doesn't get you anywhere apart from a bit of publicity advertising your face on the crimewatch website (which I'm sure they're texting all their friends about and not hiding at their nan's house).
4) I don't agree with the fee rises because of an absolute gem I read in the Times - "We are increasing our fees because every other good Uni is, and students won't think we are as good". I see this going round and round in circles for years!
5) Don't ever listen to me talking about politics as I know nothing and whatever I say is guaranteed to be complete shit.

Also, I have 3 offers for Uni next year, I'm definitely leaving Northampton! Crazy.
And it's my birthday in two days!

Saturday, 4 December 2010


'Friend' is a word with many meanings to different people. You can have best friends, close friends, not really friends but we will call them friends. Changing schools when I moved into 6 form cleansed myself from the first round of these 'friends'; there are people that I used to speak to everyday at school, that I haven't spoken to since I got my results in August 2008. However, there are a few who I may not see every week, even speak to every week. But when we have a little rendezvous it feels like I saw them yesterday! Any adult will tell you exactly the same; they have real experience in friends falling in and out of their life and only the ones that have a true meaning of a friend have stayed with them for life.

Once again, I left my 6 form in June this year, and the second bout of 'friend cleansing' happened. People I said I would 'definitely keep in touch with' have fallen by the wayside and when looking back nostalgically at my 6 form days I probably will sit there thinking 'oh my God what the hell was their name'! However, the people who really matter I have kept in touch with and reguarly see. I am determined to keep them when I go to University next year so they don't become another few that gradually fall off the friend bandwagon while I carry on ignorantly.

I could talk about this subject for literally another hour - the ins and outs of friendship, what makes a good friend, is your friendship one sided? like those incredible teenage magazines I used to read. The main point of my blog was to just outline how easy it is to lose friends and people you used to love everything about.

Listen up people!

Stop being too proud to contact them first, and petty enough to think 'well they obviously don't want to talk to me/can't be bothered'. Chances are they are just busy, and haven't forgotton about you! And will probably feel honoured you've thought about them and made an effort. And if they don't want to talk to you, or can't be bothered, then screw them! You probably have much better friends and they don't deserve you as a real friend.

Thursday, 2 December 2010


Having one of those moments which I now know as a 'writers block'. I did have this frequently when writing A Level essays, but these were understandable as I was writing about 18th Century books and posters. But today, when my creative juices are flowing through my veins and into my willing fingertips, my brain is firmly refusing to spout anything mildly interesting.

I am also not happy about finding a dress to wear to my own birthday later this month. I am struggling dramatically; my love of black dresses means I simply cannot buy another, and finding one to suit my colouring and taste is proving to be terribly difficult. Never mind. I will not bore myself writing about pointless rubbish any longer, and hope to write educated and interesting blogs in the future.

On a brighter note, my cats were spared being hanged by my dad because of my selflessness this evening. My mum and I were very entertained watching my cats playfight and chase each other around the lounge, but a 'ooooohhhh no' from my mum indicated the red spillage of my Cherries & Berries squash on the new lounge floor. I creeped into the kitchen to unfortunately find my father there, and after thinking I had spared the questions I began the clear up process. However, he did not miss a trick, and asked me if I had spilt my drink, to which I replied 'Yes' to spare my poor cats. If any one met my Dad they would admire my bravery, and it shows I really do love my cats!