Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Being a hater!

Facebook, BBC News, Heatworld and Blogger. In that order, those are the tabs I religiously open every time I go onto my laptop.

Scrolling down my Facebook news feed every 5 minutes (as you do when you are bored) I happen to notice some things that really piss me off.

1) 'Mittteee b ova to ma auntiez in da summa so i will cum dwn ta yah'
I know, if anyone goes far enough back to look at my Myspace they will probably see writing similar between me and my friends - looking back though what was the point! I'm not stupid, I did my English Language course which taught me 'THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS WRONG ENGLISH' and everyone writes to express themself in a unique style. But instead of encouraging this shit, I am now a huge snob and sneer on these people.

2) .......... is having a duvet day ;)
It's not that I am jealous about them having a duvet day. It isn't that at all! What I have a problem with is the wink smiley at the end. Without that wink, all is clear. They are tired, possibly even ill and fancy laying under their duvet for the day. However, add the wink and everything is thrown into disarray!
What I interpret they could be saying.
......... is having a duvet day ;) - (I'm skiving off work as I am a lazy fart.)
......... is having a duvet day ;) - (Some sort of private joke between friends.)
......... is having a duvet day ;) - (Quite simply, come and join me - leading the random perverts to 'like' the post) 
There are quite a lot of occasions like this now though - sometime i rewrite texts because I feel the recipent will think I'm too harsh or have no time for them - does 'Yep I'm good thanks you?' just seems to me there should be a :) somewhere to show I really am happy, quite often I have had 'Are you sure?' text if I have missed the crucial IM HAPPY smiley face.

3) ............ likes 4 million useless shit pages.
WHY?! They just fill up my news feed with worthless pages. An example from a quick look -  Using highly technical words like 'Stuff' and 'Thingy' when explaining somthing
They even managed to spell something wrong. What retarded person created that group!

Enough ranting. But you all know you agree with me.

Thursday, 3 February 2011


So, that's what I want to be, a 'journalist'. Upon devulging (don't know if i've just made that up but it sounds great) my ambitions for the future to a complete stranger (why I do not know), I was asked - 'Are you likely to get a proper job out of that?'. Encouraging, no? I was prepared however, and replied 'Well actually the employment rate for graduates on my course is 93% in the first 6 months, so yes, I believe I will get a proper job, asshole'. I didn't really add the 'asshole' bit but looking back I missed a golden opportunity.

Working at Next and trampolining wasn't preparing me for this tough career path, so in my wisdom I visited my local library to borrow some books to help me for my future. I didn't exactly find what I was looking for - no 'How to be a Journalist' or 'Journalism for dummies' books. I found 'Ebay for dummies' though, it must have been 300 pages long! What could be worth 300 pages? Anyway, I had to settle for a book detailing an ex-politics journalist's dig on the English Language. I also managed to find Alan Carr's autobiography, but that is beside the point and I have told myself I can't read that filth until I finish this 'intellectual' book. Over half way through, I am
1) Seeing instead of reading and pretending to myself I did just read that last paragraph. I know for a fact everyone has done this when given something to read and simply, they can't be bothered.
2) Finding out so much that my English Language course did not teach me. Well, that is my assumption. The author includes quotes from other's writing and basically rips the shit out of them with a single sentence eg 'The howler to end all howlers'. There's me reading it back thinking, 'What howler?' 

A couple of people I know want to be journalists. I don't feel pressured by this at all! I just check out every single thing they do to and compare it to my own work. 
Clearly, I'm playing it cool.
The truth is, we are all as good as each other. Bad. Simply, we all have a long long way to go! All I know is that I'm going to work my ass off so I get somewhere. And be better than them, obviously.

I can't wait to go to Uni so I can put my boring year past me and get my life back on track!! Hell yes.