Sunday, 20 March 2011


Unsurprisingly, after promising myself I would give up something for Lent this year, I failed. Originally, I thought biscuits would be a good treat to give up; I don't eat them that often, but I thought it would break me in gently for the years ahead - maybe I would build up to giving up bread or cheese when I was 25.

But no. My boyfriend unhelpfully said, "Biscuits! That's rubbish. Why don't we give up sweets and chocolate instead?" Ambitious I thought to myself, but no I decided to give it a go.

Needless to say he came to my house with a sheepish look upon his face and said, "I ate some M&Ms today without thinking! Can we start again?" While explaining to him that Lent didn't work like that, I realised like most boys they have never had to give up goodies - us girls are experienced in depriving ourselves when we start feeling chubbier. However, we decided to just give up chocolate and carry on like nothing had happened.

Until we ventured to an all-you-can-eat buffet complete with a chocolate fountain. Now, anyone who resists that tempting fountain of melted chocolate deserves some kind of recognition from the Queen; an OBE/MBE or something. I've been eating chocolate ever since to make up for that whole week of deprivation. Unfortunately, once again, I've had to switch my Lent to 'giving up' smoking. Pitiful.

Next year while I'm at University I will give up something - and it won't be difficult. I won't have any money to buy any food anyway.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Round-up of the weeks news.

No I'm sorry, not world news, my news - the ultra-cool kind! (cough)

Unfortunately, my dad was the one to do the weekly shop. I don't know if that is the same with any other family - having a favourite parent to buy the food for the week, but certainly in our house that is the case. Many things were missing - cereal bars, decent yoghurts - basically everything he doesn't eat. Dad didn't care about those though, he was more fussed about buying 'ladies things'.
"I have to wander around that area and wait until everyone has left the aisle, and then i can nip in and grab them and run."
Surely it would look less weird if he just casually put them in the trolley as he wheeled along. Instead, he chose to look like a middle-aged pervert by suspiciously hanging around the feminine hygiene aisle. 

He also bought an odd shower gel. I'm not fussy, I can have something gloopy or runny or flowery or fruity. However, I object to what he brought home this week. It makes me smell like a Parma Violet. I hate them, and smelling of one makes me hate them more. Currently using up twice as much as I should in the shower so I can be gone of this vile creation.

I went to MK, had a Burger King. Normal for a person my age - but not for me! My first burger for about 5 years and wow, it was amazing. I kept dropping it down myself, but hey what made it to my mouth was delish! I also got out-bought by a boy (no names just to annoy him) by about £150. What excuse for a girl am I!

Lastly, I had the pleasure of helping out an old couple at work yesterday. The phrase 'old married couple' could not have applied more to them. He had his tape measure, he had forgotton his glasses and overall was a recipe for disaster. She wasn't sure on the cabinet, he was, she wanted to know what 90cm was in inches, he measured the cabinet and said 90cm. Hilarious to watch. Unfortunately I didn't get to see if they bought the item because my shift had ended, but I can't wait for when I'm that old and grumpy and will argue black is white with my lucky partner.

Am I alone in wanting to be old already? I'm not lying, I literally just want to be in the W.I now.