There I was, minding my own business, surfing the Daily Mail website (as always) and I saw a story that really got to me.
Anorexic was a day from death after being called a fat ginger cow. Now Annabel is a healthy, happy, hairdresser
This poor girl was taunted at school from when she was 13 about having ginger hair. Obviously, as my blog title suggests, I am also part of the ginger crew.
When she was 16, Annabelle was taken to hospital and came within an inch of her life; her weight dropped down to just 4lbs 13 pounds, all because of bullying stemming from her hair colour. Now, many people will read this story and not understand how much people can get to you about literally anything. When I was at school, I remember being teased about my hair, and always grew up with the mentality that I hated it. This was only due to people having nothing else to do with their lives than to try and put you down about anything at all. People can call you fat, ugly, spotty, whatever they believe will get you down the most. Why would anyone want to do that? I can't say that I ever experienced being bullied to that extent, and I had other distractions in my life to ignore people who would try and put you down. People can really be cruel.
You can be happy and ginger! |
But today, people tease me about being ginger but I don't believe they really don't like my hair, I mean, its a colour, it isn't smelly and horrible and makes you put off your dinner. The truth is I love my hair - it is different and stands out more than the classic colours that everyone else sports. It seems funny now to think I used to be surly and 'yeah right whatever' when adults used to comment on how much they loved my hair, it is funny how people see things differently after they get older. I love it when people talk about my hair, because to be honest it means they are looking at something that I like about myself and it makes me feel happy they noticed it - not many people comment on a brunettes hair in everyday conversation.
What I found most shocking about this story is how far bullying can take you, to starve yourself (in this case), and in others it even makes you take your own life. I don't believe we should live in a world where everyone sees eye to eye and if you do something to warrant people to be horrible to you then that is your own doing as you made that choice. If you are born with something or acquire something as you get older that someone picks on then they truly are a disgusting person and should look at themselves closer to find what they are so insecure of themselves. I know this is a tiny bit deeper than my usual blogs but I use this site to express how I feel when something has caught my eye, and this definitely did. No one should be teased about things so minute in the grand scheme of things - there really is better things to be worrying about in the world, and it is truly sad it takes people years to realise it.