Thursday, 27 January 2011

C'est magnifique!

Having a great week!

And really it is going to carry on for a while (I hope). I went ice skating today with friends from trampolining - if you think we were any good at it because of having a 'great sense of awareness and balance', you would be very mistaken. To be fair, one of my friends was good, and tried and failed to teach me how to stop on the ice. I couldn't quite master it, and kept falling flat on my ass or spinning round and round and losing my balance, then falling over. Also a lovely old man tried to teach me to go backwards to no avail. I think I was pushing the boat out too far seeing as I'm pretty crap at going forwards when I can see where I am going! I watch all of these people on Dancing on Ice who are terrible and tripping up and wobbling all over the place, and laugh at their evident lack of talent. Upsettingly I now realise I fit into that category with the oldies trying for another shot of fame or the uncoordinated Bambi's on ice. Oh well, I had to stop skating prematurely as I thought my hands had been cut off from warmth so long they would be ready for amputation.

The next couple of days I'm spending time with my friends, having a pyjama party and hopefully going into town! Haven't had a pyjama party since I was about 6 - actually I don't think I did even then because of being a bit of a loner in my childhood days. Looking forward to it anyway!

Then, Britains Got Talent on Sunday! I looked at the bottom of my free tickets though and found in the small print (in bold?), 'TICKETS DO NOT GUARANTEE ENTRY, PLEASE BE THERE EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT'. I hope there aren't 1000 keenos camping outside preventing me from getting in, hopefully an early train will do.

If all goes to plan, I can watch deluded citizens of Britain presenting me with dogs who 'play guitars' or family choirs singing 'A whole new world'.
Or this. (Still my favourite act out of every series)

Cannot wait!

Monday, 24 January 2011


Thinking about making a Skype account. I think it will be really useful for when I go to university, as i'll be able to talk to friends and family pretty much face-to-face! Loads of my friends are always posting on facebook about 'skyping' each other, and I feel like i'm missing out slightly! I think it is much more personal than talking on the phone, and a really great tool for staying in touch!

While I was thinking about this, I remembered I had a webcam on my laptop. I also remembered it came with a programme which allowed you to take pictures of yourself with different animations and stupid gimmicks that basically made you look like a bit of a twat. Honestly, I scrolled through the 90 or so pictures laughing at myself from about 2 years ago taking photos of myself with bubbles flying around me or in a negative version. I then proceeded to take more of myself - it was too addictive and before I knew it I had made another 15 pictures of myself, again looking like a twat. Just to show you how stupid I looked, I'll include some (past and present).

It isn't good either when you are wearing the same dressing gown in many of the pictures,which span those 2 years. Never mind, it has kept me very amused and as you could see by one of the pictures, my cat found it just as hilarious as I did. Poor thing. As I have remembered that I have this webcam programme now, i'm pretty sure that many of these pictures are going to keep on coming.

Saturday, 22 January 2011

In response to my previous post, I have found the draft of 'Technology' stored away!

Wow, for the first time I am writing my blog on my iPhone! Not only does it correct my grammar and punctuation, it also predicts what word I will say therefore not having to write all of the letters! It is a wondrous experience I am sharing, I even like the font it comes up in! How sad.

One thing that does annoy me about my iPhone is when it changes a correct word to something it thinks I meant - she can't possibly have meant to put shit, she definitely meant to put shot, and that's what I will change it to, the foul mouthed scum. While it is helpful when a word such as incredible comes out as increaoblr and it knows where you're getting at, it does prove rather wearing when you feel a text or email had gone surprisingly well, then read it back and realise it looks like a text you send someone after one too many! Writing this on my iPhone will have probably cost me a needless 20 minutes more to write, but it is still a new gadget I want to use for everything and anything. Even now as I am writing, I'm cursing at the stupid tiny touch keys and the fact the backspace button has been used more than all of the letters put together. Maybe a qwerty keyboard would have been more suitable to a clumsy loser with minimal hand eye coordination!

Even now, I have started to write the penultimate paragraph, maybe something quirky, something cool to share - the bloody phone isn't letting me see what I have written, instead scrolling up to the start of my blog as I am typing away at the bottom. Argh!!! I sound like a grumpy old man, but I have good reason too! I have corrected the errors so far, but I will write a sentence that could show how much I have to look at my phone now when writing to send a text. Gone are the days of texting under the table to avoid the teachers glaring eyes (and I have to admit I was pretty impressive at that). Here goes.

today I decided Togo to the shops to guy some cheap choc from good old home bargains. While bropwsing the aisles with some of the weirdest people o have ever seen, I spotted many a bargain I devides to take advantage of. Unfortunaly, I managed to count out the money I was paying with wrong, and didn't manage to calculate 96p correctly. Quote embarrassing, and I could tell the women serving me knew I was a girl who looks intelligent, bit is actually an absolute retard.

Impressive work.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Could go crazy right now!

Just wrote out a whole blog detailing how annoying technology is sometimes, and decided to write this cleverly on my iPhone as this was the inspiration of my blog. Unfortunately, I managed to come out of the blog after finishing it as I accidentally on my stupid touch screen phone pressed the wrong button. Funnily enough, I also detailed how annoying the phone was when it predicts what you want to say, so no I didn't want to write 'shot phone' I wanted to write 'shit you asshole of a phone'! As you can tell, what turned out as a simply dig at technology in the first blog has now turned into a hate campaign against stupid phones and the fact they can only do half of the job (on my laptop it saves my blogs periodically, (get it sorted apple!!)

I don't have time to write the blog again, so I thought I would write something. What happened to writing letters and telegrams and simply going to visit someone when you had something to say.

Fucking technology.

Sunday, 16 January 2011


Looking for a slight bit of inspiration, I found myself browsing other blogs. Unfortunately, I also found myself hooked on reading until the end of the blog and finding them incredibly interesting. Thinking of mine, someone said they had read and liked a post of mine. I stood there feeling rather impressed with myself, until I could not remember a single word of it, even when prompted with the subject. That really shows how interesting even I find it! Never mind, I'm sure I will find a knack to it.

If anyone wants a bit of rubbish Saturday night television, what better-a place to go than ITV for Take Me Out. I'm sure everyone who reads this will have watched the genious show. It features a male coming down from the 'love lift', and trying to impress a panel of 30 'lovely' ladies looking for a date. Now I'm not going to brand them all with the same iron, but there is definitely a reason why most of them are single. The guys are either ridiculously up themselves, or old and weird and clearly not going to get a date with 18-30 year old women. And the girls, well fair enough most are rather easy on the eye! But, with lines such as 'I like the fact your an accountant. If you take me out, we can do some addition, subtraction, and maybe some multiplication!' I find it difficult to wonder why they are single. For starters, I don't think that even makes sense. I thought that phrase ended with subtraction, and I think everyone in the studio agreed with me as there was a confused pause, and then a 'Woooooo' to maybe save her dignity. The way I saw it, she was looking to make babies and personally I don't think that's a turn on to a male stranger (to an extent).

Lastly, on a brighter note, I had a good day at work today! I thought that would never happen, but it has. And I get paid on the 21st.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

The cat is out of the bag.

Unfortunately, now people have found my blog (largely due to me posting its existance on Facebook) I actually have to write interesting blogs for a real audience. Oh dear indeed.

So, swine flu is back. 'Back'. Hoping it doesn't sweep the nation and infect us all like last time. Oh wait...

Social networking sites are interesting aren't they. I lived through signing up to pretty much everything going, the only reason I know they still exist because weird sites such as Hi5 and Birthday Alarm email an old email address with a long-lost friend's birthday. Myspace was my favourite, although Bebo was popular for a while! I must have spent about a year changing my profile every other day, doing 'pc4pc's (picture comment for picture comment for all of you unfamiliar with the stupid abbreviations) and ultimately wasting my time. Yet arriving at my new 6 form I discovered Facebook was the place to be, and set up a Facebook account. Slowly the transition was made from Myspace to Facebook, and I stopped visting my previously prized page. Now all Myspace is good for is to look back at old comments and laugh at sentences such as 'Yeh had a gd day 2day, wnt 2 twn nd chilled out. Bre tired tho, nd btw yur pic is fit bbz ;)' or something along those terrible lines. Today I look at my news feed on Facebook and see people with boring statuses 'Im bored.', aggressive statuses 'The fucking prick who stole my phone and ID...' and interesting statuses 'I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry, I was drunk'. The latter usually leads me to Facebook stalking them to see what possibly could have happened and looking at the comments on that status to see if something is revealed of interest to me. It is incredible that I know things about people I was at lower school with from just a click of a button (and a 10 minute trawl of their pictures and wall posts).

And here I am on Facebook now. And although I haven't signed up to Twitter yet, and don't see myself doing it, it could just be something else I sign up to!

Although I'm sure this wasn't the most interesting blog you have ever read, it is one of those I can relate to that! things you read.

Literally on the news I have just heard about a young pregnant women who died from swine flu. Maybe it is back.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

New Year, new start.

At least I would like to think so. As I treated myself to an iPhone in early December I barely use my laptop any more, as everything I could want and more is on my amazing new toy! However, as I would like to write as a career I should probably frequent my blog more than I have been doing lately.

Unfortunately I have not made any new years resolutions. I don't even think I had one last year. My mum said to me "Oh how could you improve on perfection?" which I would like to take as a compliment, though it probably was intended as a sarcastic dig at my lack of purpose for the year. However, this year for the first time ever I WILL give up something for lent - it has been cigarettes for the last few years and really that's just lazyness as I don't smoke. I will decide what it is that I will give up closer to the time.

2010 has been overall a very good year for me - best year I have had in a few! I got great A Level results, have received offers from universities and managed after what felt like a lifetime (maybe a month) I found myself a proper job. In hindsight I wish I had stayed at school and done more subjects simply for staying at school but it has been nice to have money to spend! I have kept in touch with my best friends and kept a boyfriend that I can have a great play fight with and make feel guilty when I hurt myself (mwahaha). I got my 2011 calender out of its wrapper today and while inputting people's birthdays it was amazing to see what I was doing a year ago (revising for mocks) and whos birthdays I felt were important enough for me to remember at the start of 2010. Needless to say many did not feature on the 2011 edition now hanging on my wall.

I am hoping this year simply goes to plan; I am not looking for any amazing surprises that 'make' my year (if I bought lottery tickets that might be a different story), I just want my year to go as smoothly as possible.

Happy new year to all, especially the losers who have taken their time out to read this :).