Sunday, 1 January 2012

Eat more fruit and veg.

That is my New Year's Resolution. Being at university has made me very lazy and always reaching for the pesto pasta (which by the way, is a life saver when hungover). I need to eat a bit healthier to be honest, if I've got to get in a leotard for trampolining this year then I need all the help I can get. Cannot get fat and get a bad name for gingers...well add to the fat/ugly stereotype. But to be quite honest, does anyone ever keep their resolutions? You get the classics - get fit, go to the gym, eat healthier, give up smoking. Genuinely wondering how long these people keep up the vague cliched resolutions. My Dad tried to give up smoking a few years back... he managed 4 days and that came to an abrupt end when we caught him having a cheeky fag, so he might not have ever stopped at all. 

So, how can I sum up 2011? 

Here are some of the memories in a few words and pictures...

I was in the middle of an incredibly boring gap year, hating life working in a shop that clearly didn't realise giving me a shift from 4am-8.30am on Boxing Day was against my Human Rights.

With the Student Show babes.

I started working at the communty radio station Inspiration FM. I gained so much experience in radio and it just made me realise how much I want to be sitting in a studio in the future preaching my superior knowledge to the nation. And I made some incredible friends when I worked there!

I won a few gala competitions in trampolining, fell off on a few too (absolute mare but it always happens to me). 

Winning the National Championships was obviously a bit of a high, though I'm sure I haven't told anyone about that achievement as of yet. So here are some pictures!

Beautiful bruise.
I also managed to do my ankle in after Nationals, and registered myself almost crippled for about 3 months. Therefore, I had to use crutches seriously for the first time - I used to love hopping around and trying to go up stairs or having races. They always seemed so much fun when you weren't the one who depended on them...
Hating life 2k11.

My beautiful best friend Kirstie Desborough had her baby girl Phoebe, who I adore! One of the biggest highlights of my year <3

I made a Twitter account. That might not seem worthy of a special mention but as I tweet about 20 times a day now, it is a big part of my life.  

Oh HI!

Went on holiday with Alex to Gran Canaria... and got taken on a camel ride! So much fun, even if the one in front started weeing and the one behind kept growling at me (if that is how you describe the noises that camels make)

One day I'll be interviewing
Simon Cowell....
Presented Has Northamptonshire Got Talent which was so much fun! First stint as a presenter... LOVED IT!

Moved to the mighty city they call Leeds and attempted to grow up slightly for university - I don't think it has worked. Loving the friends I've made already, and am sure will love my course a bit more when we stop doing pointless modules. 

University of Leeds.
Broadcast Journalism. 

That is in fact a leek I am using
 as a walking stick.

Met a few (loosely termed) famous people - Jeff Stelling, Rachel Riley, Stavros Flatley, Les Gibson.

Gave up trampolining.... and then decided to start up again this year.
City of Leeds Trampolining Club - full of totes babe-a-roos.

Met some really special people :)

Had my 20th Birthday on the 17th of December... I'm in my twenties. Holy McMoley. This makes me very scared. I used to think 24 would be a good age to have kids, because I thought I would be grown up. 
Crazy animal antics.
NO NO NO NO NO NO to that suggestion now.

I don't even remember most of the year because of being a fresher at University - who knows what I was up to Jan/Feb this year (had to check my Facebook timeline for all of this blog, it has its uses). However I've had some fantastic highs, and a couple of minor lows this year in the grand scheme of things, but over all 2011 for me was a time for changing and developing into a better person (also into a BABE). 

I genuinely believe 2012 is going to be the best year yet 
and I wish everybody a very Happy New Year xxx

I'll leave you with a few fancy dress photos of 2011...

Barbie night - the ginger betrays the
clan and gets blonde hair.
Best night EVER.

Who's that OAP dancing to Party Rock Anthem?
Ginny Weasley, though I fancy Ron a lot
so being her was a bit creepy.

I will eat you. Alive.

FBI for Lufbra!

Dress up as something beginning with B...

Farmer for Manchester.
Buddy the Elf.

My 20th Birthday ♥   

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