Sunday 11 December 2011

This is Justin Bieber programme...

Happy ginger.
I'm home from University! That can only mean one thing, more food, more love and a television. I have come home with a horrendous cough though, and my Dad has already told me 'If you cough one more time you can pack your bags and go back to Leeds.' Not bothered about him though, it is all about being reunited with my dear cat. As you can see by the picture, she loves me, and I love her, and we are a beautiful couple.

No love like ours.
So part of why I was so excited to come home was the fact I could finally watch live television - I'm not a real couch potato but you don't realise how frustrating it is when ITV Player take more than an hour to upload the latest episode of X Factor - and you don't want the results to be spoilt by Facebook or Twitter. Now for people that are reading this and thinking 'she clearly has no life...', then you are right, and I don't care.

So there I was last night, flicking through the channels, and I stumble upon the absolute gem that was 'This is Justin Bieber'. It was the hour before the X Factor on ITV, so I decided to try and stick it out for an hour. 

What a bloody long hour it was.

Let me touch you!
After having Reggie Yates chatting away like this 12 year old child was like God, we saw the 'man' himself on stage. I couldn't even hear the songs he was singing because these girls were screaming the house down. If Justin Bieber came anywhere near the audience, they would scream and cry and try and claw him. If these girls ever watch themselves back in a few years time, I really hope they want to crawl in a hole and die of embarrassment. 

I can genuinely only see myself putting my arms in the air and jumping and screaming if someone held a gorge cheesecake above my head.

Anyway, one feature they did was of these 2 girls who had been taken into a room and told that there may have been a mistake and they might not be able to get tickets to see the concert - basically to them it was the end of their life. Really cool and casually ( or not ), Justin Bieber opens the door, says 'oh sorry wrong room', and leaves the girls going oooooo aaaa ooooaaa aoaoaa (or something to that effect), and he walks back in, gives them the tickets, and hugs one of them who is sobbing like a relative just died. Sorry, really? Why are you crying? You've clearly become overly obsessed with this person and you'll be so ashamed when you realise you cried in front of him, and then the people around you will never let you live it down.

Clearly I wasn't overly impressed with the programme. Was anybody?

On a brighter note, I'm going to be 20 next weekend. Does that mean I can't act like a teenager? 

On an even brighter note, it's Christmas sooooon! My favourite time of year. :)

Monday 5 December 2011


There I was, minding my own business, surfing the Daily Mail website (as always) and I saw a story that really got to me. 

Anorexic was a day from death after being called a fat ginger cow. Now Annabel is a healthy, happy, hairdresser

This poor girl was taunted at school from when she was 13 about having ginger hair. Obviously, as my blog title suggests, I am also part of the ginger crew. 

When she was 16, Annabelle was taken to hospital and came within an inch of her life; her weight dropped down to just 4lbs 13 pounds, all because of bullying stemming from her hair colour. Now, many people will read this story and not understand how much people can get to you about literally anything. When I was at school, I remember being teased about my hair, and always grew up with the mentality that I hated it.  This was only due to people having nothing else to do with their lives than to try and put you down about anything at all. People can call you fat, ugly, spotty, whatever they believe will get you down the most. Why would anyone want to do that? I can't say that I ever experienced being bullied to that extent, and I had other distractions in my life to ignore people who would try and put you down. People can really be cruel.
You can be happy and ginger!

But today, people tease me about being ginger but I don't believe they really don't like my hair, I mean, its a colour, it isn't smelly and horrible and makes you put off your dinner. The truth is I love my hair - it is different and stands out more than the classic colours that everyone else sports. It seems funny now to think I used to be surly and 'yeah right whatever' when adults used to comment on how much they loved my hair, it is funny how people see things differently after they get older. I love it when people talk about my hair, because to be honest it means they are looking at something that I like about myself and it makes me feel happy they noticed it - not many people comment on a brunettes hair in everyday conversation.

What I found most shocking about this story is how far bullying can take you, to starve yourself (in this case), and in others it even makes you take your own life. I don't believe we should live in a world where everyone sees eye to eye and if you do something to warrant people to be horrible to you then that is your own doing as you made that choice. If you are born with something or acquire something as you get older that someone picks on then they truly are a disgusting person and should look at themselves closer to find what they are so insecure of themselves. I know this is a tiny bit deeper than my usual blogs but I use this site to express how I feel when something has caught my eye, and this definitely did. No one should be teased about things so minute in the grand scheme of things - there really is better things to be worrying about in the world, and it is truly sad it takes people years to realise it.

Saturday 26 November 2011

'Tis the season to be jolly...

Fa la la la laaaaah, la la la laaah.
Or is it? Is it still too early? To be honest, I'm closer to the big day than Harrods was back in previous blog post....

To me, Christmas starts from now. Personally, I think the anticipation of Christmas starts for everyone when they see the first tentative advent calenders gracing the shelves of supermarkets, and all of you suddenly get excited at the thought of a piece of the daily, small, shit quality chocolate counting down the big day. Don't deny it!

I think for me Christmas this year will mean so much more than it has done in a while. Being in Leeds doesn't make an easy commute to Northampton, and as I've only been home once for a fleeting weekend I didn't manage to see everyone that I wanted to! As all of my family lived so close to me in Northampton, seeing my relatives was a weekly occurance that I came to expect. Now, however, being in a strange town with strange people (especially the Broadcast Journalists - only joking guys) has made me realise how much I loved seeing my relatives and how much I'm going to appreciate every moment with them at Christmas. Not even a 3000 word essay and revising for an exam will keep the good cheer down.

Repping a bit of red in the hair.
Well, I'll let you know how that goes when I start it.

And we get on to the subject of what I want for Christmas. Do I ever know what I want for Xmas? I usually flit between something way out of the fam's price range or find a simple nail varnish will suffice... this year it will change! I have decided to become a proper girly girl and ask for lots of expensive make up and beauty products that I will use to (attempt to) make myself less disgusting (remember children, being ginger is a curse). Despite this, I decided that it would be a great idea to go even more ginger / red over the last few days! Some of you will be wondering whether I am mentally stable subjecting myself to more ginge, but I quite like it actually! Let me know whether it looks alright, don't want to be walking round looking like an idiot do I! Now on to persuade my mum that dying my hair permanently will not ruin my life....

I've also forgotten I have my birthday coming up. Sad times having your birthday the week before Xmas. This isn't any old birthday either, I'm going to be 20! 2   0. Does this mean I have to grow up and stop watching keyboard cat on YouTube? I hope not. (I just watched it again)

There wasn't really a point to this blog, I just hoped that if I remembered I once used to write about relatively interesting things it might whip me into shape to start again.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

I'm here!

I have neglected my blog! It must have been weeks since I even thought about it, poor thing must have thought I had died.

So here I am at Leeds. I'm in my new room, with all my new possessions (all not as cool as everyone elses as usual) and of course my new bed. I've heard mixed reactions from the James Baillie lot about their beds - some love and some hate. I actually quite like my bed, but I struggle to believe it is a full size single bed (I didn't know they went even smaller unless your in a cot). I literally have to remake my bed every morning; mattress protector, bottom sheet, pillows, duvet the lot seem to come away from where they are supposed to be all night. I haven't ever had this problem before! Usually my bed stays relatively made. I've fallen out of bed before, maybe ended up sideways instead of longways, but every bloody night my bottom sheet ends up coming away from the mattress and making a break for freedom. I blame it on the bed because I don't think I move too much in my sleep (apart from twitching a lot - you know when you jump suddenly because your falling - I do that in my sleep all night).

Enjoying freshers as a sober ginger.
I've also taken to not wearing make-up occasionally! It's great, back in Northampton it was the norm to wear make-up every day, if I forgot to put on something I would get asked if I was ill or tired (boohoo), but here as no one knows me very well and frankly I can't be bothered, I keep going out with no make-up on woo!

I've also discovered what its like to read boring books/ journals/ articles and still have to keep reading. You know when you pick up a book and by the second page in you throw it on the floor in disdain and think 'What a heap of shit'? Well I now have to keep reading on and resist the urge to throw things away. It is very, very difficult.

I've also gone against my personal tutors wishes,
1. I want you all to fill in your personal profile before your meeting.
I didn't, and had to go away and fill it in because I forgot that was ever spoken about.

2. Start looking at your reading list and buy as many books as you can afford.
Books? Reading list? Where are these mystical books I have to buy? And besides, I've just had freshers week, I can't afford books.

3. Don't join too many societies in your first year - settle in and concentrate on your work.
I've joined 5 and one of them is the Harry Potter Society - you can play Quidditch and have a Yule Ball and everything :)

So yes, everything is obviously going well as a student. I've seen a few famous people, (not many as I'm always in the wrong place at the wrong time) Loick Essien, Gareth Gates and Professor Green. Embarrassingly my favourite being Gareth Gates, and more specifically him performing 'Spirit in the Sky'. Dancing away to that was truly a great moment in my life.

Saturday 10 September 2011

Oh dear.

I appear to have been incredibly lazy and haven't blogged for a while - blogger had even been updated in the time I was skiving.

Today I've decided I will not write and critisise about something I have read or heard, I will simply give my readers an update on what is currently happening in my life! So there won't be any comments about fat people...

Yesterday was my last day at Inspiration FM, and I was really sad to leave as I've made so many good friends and had some great experiences there! I can't say I ever managed to interview a famous musician, but the closest I got was interviewing Stavros Flatley at Has Northamptonshire Got Talent - a smaller and definitely less serious version of Britain's Got Talent - especially as I was allowed to present some of the auditions and the semi-finals. I've also learnt loads about radio production and I can successfully edit bits and pieces which means I've got a headstart for university - and that was all down to Inspiration FM! Even if I have been left with the jingles and ads permanently playing in my head all day...
The text number is 0 7 5 9 6 2 7 7 0 0 3

Ask anyone at Inspiration, they can recite those jingles like their 2 times tables!

So this time next week I'll have moved into my accommodation and will probably have 80% of my belongings still packed up - unless I can arrange everything very neatly and orderly so my room looks like a show room! Let's see how long that lasts...

Not my real set,I must have
missed these in the shops :(
So now I've almost ran out of money after paying for my deposit, stationary, and those all important 'last nights out'. I have to say, buying a matching folder and pencil case filled me with so much joy I had to sort out my stationary straight away. I eliminated pens that didn't work and pencils that still had my name sellotaped on from when I was at lower school. I sorted the lucky bootcamp entrees into their respective categories, and then decided who would be lucky enough to make it to the live final (my pencilcase in Leeds). There are so many clothes I want to buy - I have refrained as of yet. Not because I'm sensible and money conscious, just because I'm going to get discounts when I receive my student card WOOP!

I have my life all mapped out you see.

I will keep you all updated about how my life is going, if I can squeeze it into my usual blogs of nostalgia and moaning.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Wait, I thought it was Summer.

I know we haven't had a great summer. Well no, that is putting it lightly. To be honest it has been shit and currently I hate England for its unfulfilled promise of sun. In summer. Never mind, I had a week holiday and I'm grateful of gaining some Vitamin D into my skin. But however terrible the weather is (and winterlike), there is no excusing this...

Jolly holidays! Father Christmas and helpers toast the opening of Harrods' Christmas grotto - a staggering 151 days before the big day
Piss off Santa, come back at Christmas.

This was a picture taken at Harrods in July, a full 151 days before the big Christmas Day. Who decided this would be a good idea, a grotto in July? Whoever made this terrible decision should be hung from the ceiling by tinsel and beaten by Santa's elves, until those 151 days are up. Who wants to visit Santa's grotto in July? That Santa must have the easiest job in the world... sit on his ass, eat mince pies, and say 'Ho Ho Ho' for about 120 days before he suddenly becomes busy in December. Lucky bastard.

This blog was spurred on by me walking into a card shop today, the 23rd of August, to be confronted by Christmas cards. I mean, where does it end? Shall we just keep Christmas cards in card shops all year round, snuggled inbetween 'New Baby' and 'Sorry your leaving'? Why even take Christmas cards into the stockroom, you'll be putting them back out in a couple of months. The classic crooning of 'I wish it could be Christmas...every daaaayyyyy' may come true boys and girls, just give it 20 years.

Thankfully for everyone I decided against doing my first video blog on this topic, it would have been very moany and shown me in a terrible light.
Unfortunately that light is my usual light HA!

Wednesday 17 August 2011


I am back from my lovely holiday! I even rode on a camel.

Ahh, there I am, there is the camel.

 In regard to my last blog, I saw/witnessed many of the good and negative points assoicated with your typical holiday - but before I begin with my new blog, I shall add one more point to my list.

Boobs on the beach
Ok, I admit it, I did stray too far down the beach and found myself at the nudist beach. Luckily all I saw were the numerous boobs, and no other nuddy bits. However, once I was back in safe territory I still saw lots of boobs. I'm a girl, I have no problems with boobs, but it's always awkward when walking past with your boyfriend. However, we were mature about the situation, and discussed whether said boobs were real or fake.


I was thinking about retro hair the other day, and all of the weird styles we grew to know and love as they swept the nation of children. Truly terrible styles, but they make me feel all nostalgic!

A zig zag parting! Why don't we do these any more? These were the height of fashion when I was younger. I always remember looking at my friends with their sleek hair and zig-zag parting on show, and envying them. I may wear my hair like this very soon.

Negative for young, ginger Vicky - My frizzy hair was so big and crappy you couldn't even see the zig-zag. This was highly depressing, as my mum will have spent at least 20 minutes trying to comb my wayward hair into this style.

Crimped hair! I remember once being at a party with my friends and us all crimping our hair - it wasn't cool back then and I don't think it will ever be cool. There are types of hair that look good - straight, a bit wavy, big bouncy curls, tight ringlets...
Finger in a plughole hair just seems not a good way to pull.

Positive for young, ginger Vicky - If you crimped my hair, obviously using those heating tools took some of the frizz out of my hair, and I probably looked great. Though saying that, I remember in school once I offered myself and my crimped hair up for an art class, where people drew you from where they were sitting in the room. Needless to say, when I looked at their pictures, my hair was literally scribbled onto the page, as demoed here.

It was more depressing because my hair was actually in a pony tail, imagine if I had kept it competely down.

A boy's style now. The quiff. I think every boy had this classic style during lower/middle school. The trick was to grow the front of your hair longer than the rest of your hair, and use some disgusting hair gel/wax thing to stick it up to the highest point possible. Simon from the Inbetweeners wears this style rather admirably in his late teens, not cool.

Negative for young, ginger Vicky - Wasn't actually a negative for me, more for my brother. He decided in a moment of wisdom he fancied dyeing his quiff blonde, when he sports deep brown hair. His quiff unfortunately went ginger, and he was about 1/8th of the way getting to meet his ginger sister in gingerdom. He probably got 1/8th of the teasing and abuse a normal ginger receives - and never dyed it again. Poor brunette didn't know what had hit him!

David Beckham sporting two of the most copied styles by young boys, the mohican, and the blonde highlights. Mothers were to blame here - their sons having a mohican would not make them as good looking as David Beckham - more like they were attacked with a rogue pair of clippers. The blonde highlights however made every little boy look cute!

(I have to admit, looking through google images made me remember how sexy David Beckham was, swooooooon! Trust me, do it!)

I think a fancy dress night should be in order where people should wear their hair in a way they did when they were younger. That would be hilarious!

My hair would look terrible and I'll lose my friends and boyfriend. Poor ginger Vicky.

Also, on a final note, as the lovely John Boden keeps plugging my blog, I will do the same for him! Read the latest movie review from the next big thing!

Sunday 31 July 2011

Holiday season.

Ahh. July. A good time of year for most. If you're at school, the glorius 6 week summer holiday seems at the start like endless bliss of nothingness and school seems oh so far away. Also comes the holiday talk between friends. For some, they dread this conversation (however old you are), because they aren't going anywhere. You then got the friends that go somewhere relatively bog standard - such as Spain, France etc (me all over, at least I got to go on a plane most years and take the standard hundred of pictures of the view of the clouds out of the aeroplane window). You then get the friends that everyone secretly hates at this time of year. You know, they are the ones that have been to Disneyland Paris AND Disneyworld Florida, when your family doesn't even have enough money to afford the Disney channel on your TV. These friends depress you with their flashy cars and flashy holidays - and collectively everyone secretly hopes they are going camping in the Peak District this year instead.

Of course not! They are going somewhere exotic like Hawaii or somewhere too cool like America to visit every theme/water park it has to offer. I have to admit, this scenario happened to me a lot as a kid- and I'm pretty sure everyone has had this in their lives. If this happens now I'm genuinely excited for the person, and not wanting to kick them for having a cool holiday.

Even now, a holiday isn't stress free - it is pretty stressful. I'll give you my good and bad points of going abroad-

A lot of people probably enjoy packing because it makes them think of what they will wear when they are in heir lovely destination and what bikini would just go so well with that sarong! I hate it. It is a boring task and makes me realise what shit clothes I have and how those shorts probably don't fit me anymore but they will be packed just in case of overnight weightloss.

These places (along with ferries and service stations) I just love. I don't know what it is about them. Why do I get so excited about a WHSmith and a bit of perfume? I've probably flown from Luton aiport about 5 times in the last few years, and although pretty much every shop we have in Northampton, I still insist on visiting every one. Why? I don't know but I'm flying from there tomorrow, and intend to visit every shop as normal, and also not buying anything, as normal.

They aren't to everyones taste. They are gorgeous and I love looking at them, but they don't half make things difficult. Firstly, you have the job of finding somewhere not too close to the sea, away from random rubbish, away from annoying people (or just people in general), near the exit. The fact sand gets into everything, and you can't dry yourself from being in the sea with a sandy towel. The chafings! In the sea - am I swimming in someone elses wee...also fish poo in here... run through my mind. And then when you leave, your hair is terrible, youve paid 5 euros for a can of warm coke and you have sand chafings in your flip flops.

Foreign Currency
Unfortunately, it never seems like real money, more like play money! I mean, with the exchange rate and all that would you really pay £15 for a blow up shark inflatable you'll use once then leave behind? You do! We are all guilty of buying something abroad thinking 'what a bargain!', realising how much you would have paid in pounds, and paling slightly at your stupidity.

Got to love a bit of Vitamin D getting into your skin! However, I religiously check the weather of my future destination every day to make sure they aren't having a blip of shit temperatures. And of course - Northampton will be really sunny for the week as soon as your plane leaves the ground.

You see it is a mixed bag. I love holidays, I look forward to them and tell everyone about them. But they are an experience. And if you wondered, I'm going to Gran Canaria tomorrow for a week. I'm sure it will be great!

Thursday 21 July 2011

Stupid people.

Stupid people never fail to amuse me. Not genuinely stupid people, they tend to piss me off (e.g Most of the guests on Jeremy Kyle). People of average to excellent intelligence being idiots just make me laugh, and I saw a cracking example of this today.

The land is hardly noticeable between the pavement, road, and two driveways

Hardly an Oxford lawn: Despite just being a small scrap of land it is protectedWhat grass?  I've probably eaten pizzas bigger than that patch of grass! It is pretty normal to see these signs lets say... on the grounds of something boring and historical or on private pieces of land where they want to keep the grass looking fresh and lush. If that was my driveway next to it, I would probably take extra care just to walk on it, I might even curl myself around the sign and have a picnic. Just to be annoying. All I can say is that thank god for Merton Council - saving the world bit by bit.
So this got me thinking of all the other ridiculous mistakes I've seen in the media, and thought I would revisit them mostly because I'm bored.

Newly paved road leading to Southern Guilford High School
Think that looks about right...
Children, just go home now. Clearly there are too many intelligent people working around your town and your intelligence will not be needed in the future.

My spelling and grammar
will tempt you to have tatoo.

I mean, call me over-cautious, but I wouldn't get a tattoo with someone who can't make up their mind how you spell the damn thing. I know it is a temporary tattoo, but it could look ridiculous if they spelt your own name wrong. How are they supposed to write 'the chinese for...' if they can't spell bloody English? I hope they had no customers and went out of business. Just researched this, and Rihanna had this exact problem. Bet she feels stupid now.

I don't want to worry anyone, but I seem
 to have broken my leg.

Whoever was asked to work on photo-shopping this image took it a little far. To the extent that she now has a deformed leg with a foot pointing the wrong way. But don't worry, her legs look really skinny, you did a great job.......cough.

Now that is punishment!

Darling I've died, please pay my $200 fine.

Thank god! Everything on my shopping list!
Ha! That showed you, unemployed bastard!

Naughty! Do they think we wanted to
do a bit of kangaroo dogging?! 

Schoolboy error.
Oh how people amuse me. I don't care too much when there is a mis-placed apostrophe, but surfing through the 100 other ridiculously dumb signs and photos made me realise that there isn't enough common sense in the world. And disappointingly, it happens to be one of my critically weak points - so I'm just being a hypocritical knob as always.

Thursday 14 July 2011

An excess of fat.

Overweight womanIf you read news stories online or in papers, you will see pretty much every week there will be a story about obesity - probably a warning of 'YOU WILL DIE TOMORROW' or something similiar due to being overweight... (usually this is the Daily Mail - I blame that paper on my Nan's high blood pressure and her over-active imagination). Anyway, I read these stories with the mandatory picture of nameless tubby's tummy/hips, which are bulging with evidence of Big Macs and chocolate Hobnobs.

But really, on a serious note, if you take a look in the street, if your driving a car and you look at the people walking on the paths, I am going to say that pretty much 2/3 people are overweight. I am being relatively harsh with my Fat-ometer, but hey, don't hate me, just don't eat so much.

I get it fat people. I totally get it. When I think about pick and mix, I pretty much salivate like a dog and run to the nearest pick and mix outlet. I also get the big portions thing. I think I was cursed as a child to be able to eat huge plates of dinner, and my 'I'm full' messages get lost somewhere between my stomach and brain (probably swept down in a waterfall style by more incoming food). If I didn't have people around me to give me those dirty looks of "Are you still going?", I would probably eat my plate of food, and everyone elses left overs.

However, I don't let myself get to 50st, post pictures of myself on the internet eating food, and charge people $20 to look at my fatty website. Sorry? What the....

Courtesy of the Daily Mail (don't judge me) -

Earning through eating: Donna Simpson gorges on junk food for money
I chose to keep this picture 'Extra-large' because I'm a joker.
In her quest to become the world's fattest woman, Donna Simpson is already profiting from her challenge - by earning $90,000 (£55,000) a year from fans who pay to watch her eat online.

The American mother-of-two, who already holds the dubious honour of being the world's fattest woman to give birth, makes money from people hungry to watch her eat more than 15,000 calories a day.

Where do we find these people! If this wasn't enough, Donna (Kebab) is trying to reach her target of 72st to become World's Fattest Woman.

I can think of titles I would rather hold. Like running a 100m world record. Or having the longest milk squirt with my eye. Something worthwhile.

Last Christmas, she devoured two 25lb turkeys, two maple-glazed hams, 15lbs of potatoes (10lbs roast, 5lbs mashed), five loaves of bread, five pounds of herb stuffing, four pints of gravy, four pints of cranberry dressing and an astonishing 20lbs of vegetables.

Bloody hell. This year, I will consciously have one more Quality Street at Christmas, and comfort myself with 'At least I didn't eat 2 glazed hams.' To be fair, after reading all of that, I just thought to myself 'Why did you even bother with veg?'

To end on a serious note, and to prevent people becoming inspired by ole Donna, I think this woman is very selfish on her poor daughter who caters to her needs. She will probably see her Mum die a premature death due to her ridiculous way of life. I mean, this woman earns £55,000 a year from pictures of her eating! Who are these fat-fetish people encouraging this? You should all be ashamed!

Humans are such odd creatures.

That does not surprise me.
Finally, as much as I disapprove of his weight, I think his parents are comedy geniuses.

Thursday 7 July 2011

90's kids.

It is weird being home in the daytime. I don't mean at a weekend. I mean on a weekday. Does anyone else feel incredibly naughty? I think I've still got the mindset that I'm at school and sneaking a day off. I do remember they used to have better stuff on TV when I was ill and off school. For starters, everyone must remember the programme that I forget the name of - you know! - the one with the magic pencil and traced the alphabet so you could learn how to write letters. 'Cuuuurrvvvveeee, and FLICK!' (i remember the flicks)
And that programme that had the spanish mouse who was a bit of a gangster, and swang everywhere on a rope. What was his name?!

I feel sorry for the children of today who do not have Sky, Virgin etc, and have at these to entertain themselves.

BBC 1 - Britains Bravest Cops    ..not that suitable but I suppose it teaches them early
BBC 2 - Guess With Jess        ..looks like an LSD inspired spin off with Postman Pat's cat
ITV - Lorraine                        ..Target range probably 30 years older than kiddies
Channel 4 - Friends               ..maybe slightly out of the kids range
Channel 5 - Who cares, no one watches this channel anyway.

It just doesn't have quite the same ... educational feel. You would sit in your duvet, wanting more Calpol because it tastes nice, and watch hours of educational kids programmes. You can't blame the tiny rogues of society today - they have The Jeremy Kyle Show to keep them entertained for the morning (totally unsuitable - but has the potential  entertainment if one of their favourite phrases was "Why didn't you put something on the end of it?")

It led me to remember the shows I used to adore when I was a younger, cuter version of myself.

Alvin and the Chipmunks   
The Moomins
Goosebumps - if I made it through the opening sequence without crying at the dog with red eyes
Raggy Dolls - MASSIVE FAN
Power Rangers - I still get teased about running into my mum and dad in the morning and shouting histerically 'The Power Rangers were in my dream last night, and they were CHASING ME'
Zzzap - Oh wow. This was probably my favourite ever.
Kenan and Kel
Rosie and Jim
Postman Pat
Come Outside - Oh wow. Aunty Mable. Pippin. I LOVED THAT SHOW!!!
Fireman Sam
Tots TV
Y'von of the Yukon - what a legendary Intro song
Brum! What a badman sneaking out all of the time.
Top Cat
Art Attack - this guy was incredible!
Chucklevision - oh dear......oh dear oh dear
RugRats - I even have the PS1 games
Wacky Racers
Bodger and Badger - MASHED POTATO

Just watching this makes me feel ultra happy and makes me miss being a child. I've watched about 4 episodes of Zzzap now on Youtube and should definitely make a reappearance.

Tuesday 21 June 2011


When you watch TV, you watch programmes.
Well, if you are watching the BBC.
If you are watching other channels, you see adverts. And a few programmes.

I sound like I'm moaning. I love some adverts. They might make me laugh, make me cry - their intended purpose to evoke emotion is fulfilled. Funny adverts really make me want to buy the product. As a stubborn character, if I hate the advert, I will never ever buy/visit website of said product.

'Good call'
I like beer. I like Fosters because it is a relatively cheap beer. I also hope that drinking it will make me as funny as 'Dan and Brad'. They answer calls from English guys struggling with something. Dan and Brad then impart their wisdom, and all is well in the world.
'Bonjourno Deano'

Come and play.
I like this advert too. This one is from Comet, and over the last couple of months they have manipulated their stock to make it seem super cool - as seen in the picture they created shit loads of smoothies. Over Christmas they hung various electronic items around a christmas tree and turned the lights off - and the iPods and phones and mp3 players lit up the tree a treat! The adverts didn't make me want to go to Comet however, just wanted to make smoothies and find a cat who could surf.

Go compare.
I hate this fat man. I mute the channel when he comes on. He may have made GoCompare a more frequently visited site due to it being more in the public eye, but personally if I saw this guy on the street, I would kick him in the face. That is all.

Another comparison website, but with a much cuter, less overweight character. Aleksandr Orlov made the nation fall in love with his outrage of, and his catchphrase 'Simples'. Many have said he has expanded too far into visiting his home town of 'Merkovo' and visiting the child-meerkats (whatever they are) at school. I still find it hilarious however, and am happy for him to carry on being on my screen, basically talking crap about a fictional town of meerkats.

Lynx parody.
Specsavers delivered this beauty (literally) I think last year some time. The girls run towards him in bikinis, he puts glasses on, they walk away due to the hideousness of glasses. It was a hilarious advert, but I wasn't such a fan when it was full screen in the cinema, and my boyfriend was watching intently.

You also get those adverts that have catchy slogans.

'Washing machines live longer with CAL-GON' - I would say after all these years I'm note perfect singing that now. (Caps at the end are for my emphasis when singing)

'Once you pop, you can't stop' - I agree Pringles, they are too addictive.

'I'm lovin' it' - Ba da ba ba baaaaa, even Justin Timberlake got in on this one.

'Subway, eat fresh' - HEY BREAD GUY!

(you know, off the top of your head, adverts are hard to remember!)

Well anyway, you get this jist. Comment if you have any more that I have crucially missed out! Just going to leave you with a cool advert, was on years ago and some animal rights activists weren't too impressed, but I thought it was a truly great ad.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

The Advertising Agency are on my back.

One sitting in the family album.
Considering my blog is titled 'A little insight into the mind of a ginger girl', you as the reader probably should have seen a blog about being ginger somewhere. Actually no, none of them have. I shall probably be prosecuted for false advertising.

So I will start. Almost a year late, but better late than never!

1. Ginger twat. Oh.... sorry Vicky.
You could be anywhere, out drinking in town, walking down the street, drinking in the park. A ginger knobhead comes out of no where and offends you in some way.
'Fucking ginger twat.'
Then comes the abashed look and 'Sorry Vicky'. Infact, I can cope with the word ginger being used around me as a derogatory term.
I'm not four years old.
After the years having it used against me, I'm quite immune. Curse all you like at ugly ginger people, I honestly do it all of the time.

2. Oh don't say that, those gingers have fiery tempers.
I don't think this is scientifically proven. I shall now check on Google just to back myself up.

Oh lord. I would recommend typing 'do ginger people get angry easier' into Google, and looking at some of the internet pages. Couple of things that made me laugh...

Apparently "gingers" are really funny people!

IF a brunette or blonde gets angry it's okay, but if a redhead gets angry then it's because of their 'redhead temper'...baloney!...

                                                                          (It was just the baloney part)

I am half ginger            (DENIAL! There is no halfway house -                                                                 you are either ginger or not)

Thought I would include this because he looks like a knob.
I couldn't find any evidence that was conclusive. Although one person thought it was because gingers are picked on from such an early age, they act differently as they are singled out as different.

From my experience at primary school, I don't recall being ginger ever being an issue - it was my last name that caused me the most problems (Payne)!
I genuinely used to cry at being called a 'pain' by the other kids, what a loser!!

3. Get out of the sun Vicky, your ginger skin will burn!
They're right. I will burn, BUT ONLY IF I forget to use sun lotion (very often). Otherwise, I do tan. I won't be mistaken as a local if I go to an African country, but I tan enough for it to be noticeable. And that will do me.

4. Are you Scottish/Irish?
No! No I am not!

Some Ginger-tastic facts.
  • Approximately 1% to 2% of the human population has red hair.
  • Scotland has the highest proportion of redheads; 13 per cent of the population has red hair and approximately 40 per cent carries the recessive redhead gene.
  • Red hair is the rarest natural hair color in humans.
  • Researchers have found that people with red hair require greater amounts of anesthetic.
  • Red hair was thought to be a mark of a beastly sexual desire and moral degeneration.
  • A UK woman recently won an award from a tribunal after being sexually harassed and receiving abuse because of her red hair.
  • A family in Newcastle upon Tyne was forced to move twice after being targeted for abuse and hate crime on the account of their red hair.
  • British singer Mick Hucknall, who believes he has repeatedly faced prejudice or been described as ugly on account of his hair colour, argues Gingerism should be described as some form of racism.
  • In December 2009 British supermarket chain Tesco was forced to withdraw a Christmas card which had the image of a child with red hair sitting on the lap of Santa Claus, and the words: "Santa loves all kids. Even the ginger ones" after customers complained the card was too offensive.
To be honest, I would have bought that Christmas card for everyone for laughs. People need to lighten up these days.

Saturday 11 June 2011

"Council unprepared for zombies"

While surfing BBC News, my second favourite news website (HeatWorld in 1st), I came across a truly brilliant story.

"A worried member of the public has forced Leicester City Council to admit it is unprepared for a zombie invasion."

This story is the most popular shared story of the moment. It is probably because of ignorant people posting this in emails and suchlike laughing to their friends about this clear nutbag. I, however, totally agree with this guy! I've watched pretty much every zombie movie around (28 days later, 28 weeks later, Zombieland to name a few) , I'm not going to lie I have often wondered where I will bunk up to avoid the zombies. (In the drawers under my bed with my cats to keep me company)

My biggest fear of dying is through some sort of apocolyptic nightmare, whether it be zombies or aliens or just simply an earthquake or tsunami (last one is unlikely in Northampton). Just basically something you cannot run away from. So I think really this guy has a valid point.

Anyway, the story was rounded up by the creator of zombie website Terror4Fun Ed Thurlow, who said,

"I think perhaps [the "Concerned Citizen"] has watched films like 28 Days Later a few too many times."

Is this guy serious? He spends his time running a zombie website. What an absolute knob.