Of course not! They are going somewhere exotic like Hawaii or somewhere too cool like America to visit every theme/water park it has to offer. I have to admit, this scenario happened to me a lot as a kid- and I'm pretty sure everyone has had this in their lives. If this happens now I'm genuinely excited for the person, and not wanting to kick them for having a cool holiday.
Even now, a holiday isn't stress free - it is pretty stressful. I'll give you my good and bad points of going abroad-
A lot of people probably enjoy packing because it makes them think of what they will wear when they are in heir lovely destination and what bikini would just go so well with that sarong! I hate it. It is a boring task and makes me realise what shit clothes I have and how those shorts probably don't fit me anymore but they will be packed just in case of overnight weightloss.
These places (along with ferries and service stations) I just love. I don't know what it is about them. Why do I get so excited about a WHSmith and a bit of perfume? I've probably flown from Luton aiport about 5 times in the last few years, and although pretty much every shop we have in Northampton, I still insist on visiting every one. Why? I don't know but I'm flying from there tomorrow, and intend to visit every shop as normal, and also not buying anything, as normal.
They aren't to everyones taste. They are gorgeous and I love looking at them, but they don't half make things difficult. Firstly, you have the job of finding somewhere not too close to the sea, away from random rubbish, away from annoying people (or just people in general), near the exit. The fact sand gets into everything, and you can't dry yourself from being in the sea with a sandy towel. The chafings! In the sea - am I swimming in someone elses wee...also fish poo in here... run through my mind. And then when you leave, your hair is terrible, youve paid 5 euros for a can of warm coke and you have sand chafings in your flip flops.
Foreign Currency
Unfortunately, it never seems like real money, more like play money! I mean, with the exchange rate and all that would you really pay £15 for a blow up shark inflatable you'll use once then leave behind? You do! We are all guilty of buying something abroad thinking 'what a bargain!', realising how much you would have paid in pounds, and paling slightly at your stupidity.
Got to love a bit of Vitamin D getting into your skin! However, I religiously check the weather of my future destination every day to make sure they aren't having a blip of shit temperatures. And of course - Northampton will be really sunny for the week as soon as your plane leaves the ground.
You see it is a mixed bag. I love holidays, I look forward to them and tell everyone about them. But they are an experience. And if you wondered, I'm going to Gran Canaria tomorrow for a week. I'm sure it will be great!